Penelope is a curious, fun-loving little girl who is accompanied by her dream wherever she goes. Everything was going well for her until she realized that her dream had grown WAY TOO BIG. Feeling embarrassed of so much attention, she decided to leave her dream behind so she could fit in with others.

Join Penelope in this sweet story of self awareness to find out what happens to her and her beloved dream.

Major themes in this book include dreams and goals, peer pressure, self-awareness and courage.

Charlotte, a spirited and kind-hearted girl, overhears her parents talking about finding their happiness and realizes she has never seen her own happiness before. Concerned, she decides to go looking for it in all the most obvious places like a candy and a toy store. But… will she be able to find it? Join Charlotte in this charming story and discover what happens during her search.

Major themes in this book include happiness, self-awareness, determination and friendship.

Perfect activity book for children ages 3-6!
Packed with fun filled activities to spark young children's imagination, explore emotions, learn Spanish, color, play and more!